Art Commission Info
If you want to hire me for a private/personal commission please read through this page to get an overview of my services and current rates.
Before you order, please make sure to have read my Terms of Service. These terms apply to private/personal commissions only. This information is NOT applicable for commercial work, therefore the art can only be used for the client’s personal purposes. Commercial work may be negotiated separately.
Full Illustration
Full body character,​ detailed background: full color and shading, basic lighting, medium-large canvas size
Any additional characters +$40
Prices range according to complexity, ie. multiple characters, extra detail, complex lighting, etc.
Character Illustration - Full Body
Full body character,​ simple background: full color and shading, basic lighting, medium canvas size
Any additional characters +$40
Prices range according to complexity, ie. multiple characters, extra detail, complex lighting, etc.

Character Illustration - Bust/Half Body
Bust-half body character,​ simple background: full color and shading, basic lighting, medium canvas size
Any additional characters +$40
Prices range according to complexity, ie. multiple characters, extra detail, complex lighting, etc.


Portraits of People/Animals
Fantasy Creatures
D&D Characters
Mechas and other heavy machinary
*I have the right to refuse any commission request I am uncomfortable with.
**I am open to drawing mild nudity AS LONG AS it is part of the character design. (This applies to humanoid fantasy creatures such as fairies, mermaids, centaurs, etc.)
Flat Illustration
Full body character,​ lineart and flat color, little to no shading or lighting, small-medium canvas size
Any additional characters +$20
Prices range according to complexity, ie. multiple characters, extra detail, complex lighting, etc.

Simple sketches, no color, small canvas size
Prices range according to complexity